School Policies

Rules & Expectations for Student Behavior

Before School

  • The campus opens at 8:15am.

  • If you arrive between 8:00 and 8:15am, please wait outside the gates until the bell rings at 8:15am.

  • If you arrive between 8:15 and 8:25am, go to the playground.

After School

  • Do not play at school after the dismissal times.

  • Do not play or run near the parking lot.

  • If you wait for a ride, go directly to the flagpole or rocks until you are picked up.

  • If you walk home, leave the campus immediately. If you attend Curiosity Corner, go straight there after school.

During School

  • Always treat others with kindness and respect.

  • Always show respect for school property and the property of others both inside and outside the classroom.

  • Always keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  • Follow the directions of all the teachers and staff.

  • When traveling from one location to another, always walk quietly.

  • Skateboards, inline skates, and scooters should be held and never ridden while on school grounds.

  • Heelys or any other types of shoes with wheels are not allowed.

  • Bicycles may be ridden to school but must be walked on campus.

  • No cell phones or electronic devices are allowed at school.

  • No dogs are allowed at school during school hours.

  • Do not bring toys, games, or anything of value (such as trading cards or jewelry) from home.

Lunch Recess

  • From 12:00-12:15, eat and remain seated, getting out of your seat only with permission from the yard duty staff.

  • At 12:15, the yard duty supervisor will dismiss students who are cleaned up and sitting quietly.

  • Students who have not finished eating at 12:15 may continue to eat.

  • Do not get up, walk around or play until you have finished eating, cleaned up, and been dismissed by the yard duty supervisor.

  • The library is open at snack and lunch recess. If you decide to leave the library during a recess, you may not return. No in/out privileges.

  • No eating or drinking in the library.

Playground Rules

  • Always use cooperation and sportsmanship.

  • If you accidentally hurt someone, ask the other person if they’re all right, say you are sorry, and tell them it was an accident.

  • Play areas include the black top, grassy areas, and play structures only. Students should stay within the boundaries where they can be seen at all times.

  • Do not exclude others and do take turns.

  • Always keep your hands and feet to yourself.

  • Always use only a soft touch when playing tag games.

  • Do not play in or near the bathrooms.

  • When the bell rings, stop playing immediately, hold all equipment, and line up. Wait quietly and in line for your teacher.

  • No cuts or saving places.

  • Bathroom and drinking fountain breaks should be taken during, not after, recess.

  • When a ball goes on the roof or over the fence, tell your teacher after recess. Students should not notify the custodian or the office.

  • Stay off the grass if it is wet.

  • Do not play in puddles.

  • Rocks, sticks, dirt, grass, and tan bark should never be carried or thrown.

On the Play Structures

  • Students should use all equipment safely and properly.

  • Students should slide down the slide seated, facing forward.

  • Never walk up the slide or clog the slide.

  • Students should go across the bars in one direction, ne person at a time.

Field Trip Policy

  1. All decisions about a volunteer’s assignment and role must be approved by the teacher. Participation will ultimately be determined by the principal, principal’s designee or Teacher-in-Charge.

  2. Siblings, guests, and/or pets are not allowed to attend field trips.

  3. Participants must abide by all school rules and policies. Drivers must follow all California Safety laws.

  4. No child is allowed to ride in the front seat of a vehicle without the consent of his/her parent or legal guardian.

  5. Drivers must only follow the designated field trip route. No detours or unscheduled stops.

  6. Any student who attends a field trip must participate for the entire trip. Students must check into school before the field trip and may not check out of school before the field trip is completely over and the student has returned to Fox School.

  7. Parents, grandparents, or legal guardians who turn in volunteer paperwork on the day of the event may not be able to participate.

  8. A parent, grandparent, or legal guardian may NOT participate with the class at any time during the field trip if they have not met the clearance and documentation requirements for volunteer drivers.

  9. A parent, grandparent, or legal guardian can request to drive their child only; however, the driver must still have met the clearance and documentation requirements for a volunteer driver.

  10. Parents, grandparents, or legal guardians who are not assigned by the teacher to volunteer or drive on a field trip may not be allowed to participate or attend. It is the parent’s, grandparent’s, or legal guardian’s responsibility to notify the teacher in advance (24 hours) that they would like to attend.

Homework Policy

At Fox School, we believe that homework is an integral part of the educational process. Research studies show that school achievement is directly related to the amount of time devoted to learning. Homework assignments are designed to give students additional practice in the skills and concepts learned in the classroom and to extend and enrich their classroom learning. A variety of assignments may be given, including pencil and paper activities, journal writing, reading, observations, interviews, illustrations, and constructions.

Homework helps children to develop self‐discipline and time management skills.

Therefore, the student should assume primary responsibility for completing his or her homework. Parents can assist their child by planning for a regular homework time and a quiet, consistent work area with necessary supplies. Students are encouraged to discuss homework assignments with their parents. Explaining the assignment reinforces the classroom learning and keeps the parent informed of the classroom program. If the child is unable to complete the homework assignment independently or if the parent has homework concerns, the classroom teacher should be contacted.

The Belmont‐Redwood Shores School District Homework Policy serves as the framework for the Fox policy. This policy sets the frequency and time frames for homework. Homework is generally assigned Monday through Thursday, depending on the grade level. It is not assigned during designated religious holidays or when important class or school activities are planned. Long‐term projects may also exist, in addition to daily assignment expectations.

The following are suggested time frames for homework by grade level:

Grades 1 and 2: 15‐20 minutes per night

Grade 3: 20‐45 minutes per night

Grades 4 and 5: 30‐60 minutes per night

PLEASE NOTE: These time frames do not include the 15-20 minutes per night that each child throughout all grade levels is expected to commit to reading, either independently or from read-alouds.

Student Cell Phone Policy

We recognize that cell phones have become a common tool for communication. However, they can also become a distraction to the learning environment and are vulnerable to being lost or damaged. We ask that you allow your child to carry a cell phone only if truly necessary.

Students are allowed to carry cell phones to school. However, phones must be turned off and stored out of sight during school hours. Phones may not be used to talk, take pictures, play games, record or text during school hours. School hours are considered to be from the time the student enters the campus until their dismissal bell. Parent permission to carry a phone must be on file in the school office.

  • 1st infraction - students will have their cell phone taken away and returned at the end of the day.

  • 2nd infraction - students will have their cell phone taken and locked up in the office until a parent can come to school to retrieve it.

  • 3rd infraction - students will no longer be allowed to bring a cell phone to school until a parent conference with the principal is held.

Guidelines for Healthy Celebrations

Please consider the following guidelines when acknowledging a child’s birthday or planning a class party.

Don’t forget to discuss your ideas with your child’s teacher prior to the event.

Class Parties When planning a class party, make FUN the focal point. Consider these options:

  • Organize physical activity games like relay races and scavenger hunts

  • Create stations that include art, music, or cooking

  • Arrange a community service project

  • Allow ONE special healthy treat per party

  • Have parties after lunch

  • Make it fun by serving food on festive plates with fancy toothpicks

Birthdays To recognize your child on his or her special day, please consider non-food-related ideas.

  • Bring inexpensive party favors to hand out to classmates (pencils, stickers, erasers)

  • Have your child give a gift to the classroom in his/her name (athletic equipment, books, board games, puzzles)